Love stories about Lincoln and Myla?
Now you can enjoy them in a new way with the audiobook version of the titles as read by author Christina Bauer.
Angelbound Origins Audiobooks
In which Myla Lewis kicks ass and takes names. Nuff said.
1. Angelbound — now on Audible or iTunes
2. Scala — now on Audible on iTunes
3. Acca — now on Audible and iTunes
4. Thrax — now on Audible and iTunes
5. The Dark Lands — now on Audible or iTunes
6. The Brutal Time — now on Audible or iTunes
7. Armageddon — coming soon
All Part Of The Full Series
Angelbound Origins
In which Myla Lewis kicks ass and takes names. Nuff said.
1. Angelbound
2. Scala
3. Acca
4. Thrax
5. The Dark Lands
6. The Brutal Time
7. Armageddon
8. Quasi Redux