Angelbound Books

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Angelbound (Angelbound Origins 1)

Anniversary Edition Now Live With Bonus Print/Audio Story! 

Eighteen-year-old Myla Lewis is a girl who loves two things: kicking ass and kicking ass. She’s not your every day quasi-demon, half-demon and half-human, girl. For the past five years, Myla has lived for the days she gets to fight full-blooded demons in Purgatory’s Arena. But when the demons start to act weird, even for demons, and the King of Hell, Armageddon, shows up at Myla’s school, Myla knows trouble is coming with a capital T.

Things heat up when Myla meets Lincoln, the High Prince of the Thrax, a super-sexy half-human and half-angel demon hunter. But what’s a quasi-demon girl to do when she falls for a demon hunter? It’s a good thing that Myla’s not afraid of breaking a few rules. With a love worth fighting for, Myla’s going to shake up Purgatory.

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Scala (Angelbound Origins 2)

Anniversary Edition Now Live With Bonus Print/Audio Story! 

Nineteen-year-old Myla Lewis has transformed into Great Scala, the only being with the power to move souls out of Purgatory and into Heaven or Hell. Trouble is, a magical object called Lucifer’s Orb is limiting Myla’s abilities. With the Orb threatening millions of souls, Myla’s got enough on her plate without her old enemy, Lady Adair, causing problems. Unfortunately, Adair is launching an ingenious campaign to take away everything that Myla holds dear, including Myla’s Angelbound love, Prince Lincoln. But between their clever ideas and toe-curling kisses, Myla and Lincoln are fighting back. Can they stop the Orb and save Purgatory’s souls…Or will they lose everything to Adair’s devious schemes?

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Acca (Angelbound Origins 3)

Anniversary Edition Now Live With Bonus Print/Audio Story! 

Myla and Lincoln get married and there’s Hell on Earth.


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Thrax (Angelbound Origins 4)

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AUDIO: Audible / iTunes / GooglePlay

Myla’s pregnant, which is awesome.

Trouble is, her husband Lincoln’s been switched out for a body double.

That’s not so cool…


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The Dark Lands (Angelbound Origins 5)

EBOOK: Amazon / Apple / GooglePlay / Kobo / Nook / Smashwords
AUDIO: Audible / iTunes / GooglePlay

Walker goes missing, so Myla and Lincoln must search the realm of the ghouls in order to find him…and Myla plus ghouls equals catastrophe.

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The Brutal Time Special Edition (Angelbound Origins 6)

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AUDIO: Audible / iTunes / GooglePlay

According to a prophecy, the Myla must save the fading angels by traveling back in time, meeting King Arthur, and creating her own knights of the round table. The catch? Doing so might end the after-realms in a bloody demonpocalypse.


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Armageddon (Angelbound Origins 7)

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Myla Lewis once fought gladiator-style in Purgatory’s Arena. Now, she’s fighting again, only this time in Hell. And the stakes have never been higher. The King of Hell, Armageddon, has kidnapped Myla and Lincoln’s young son, Maxon. With so much at risk, Myla knows the time has come to kick Armageddon’s ass or die trying.

Don’t miss this exciting conclusion to the Angelbound Origins series… and the adventure continues with Maxon and the Angelbound Offspring series!

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Quasi Redux (Angelbound Origins Book 8)

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Myla Lewis has her life back. Wife. Mother. Queen of the Thrax. Great Scala and mega boss of supernatural igni. Yay! Then one day, Myla runs across a strange fountain and her igni screech like crazy. Our heroine speaks the fateful words, “Some days, I wish I weren’t the Great Scala.”

Turns out, a demon-titan named Bedlam lurks behind the fountain… and he grants her wish…

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Clockwork Igni (Angelbound Origins 9)

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Long live the me! As Queen of Antrum, I rule an underground realm of demon hunters who love finding new caves. Hey, it’s boring down here; I’m glad they all have a hobby. Per usual, I try to act interested about their latest discovery, but all I hear is blah blah blah new cavern blah blah blah Forbidden Tombs blah blah blah massive bronze pyramids blah blah blah creepy ticking sounds. It’s a little odd, but I’m not worried.

My bad…


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Lady Reaper (Angelbound Origins #10)

Years ago, the ghouls ruled my homeland of Purgatory with all the gentle care of a throat punch. They even controlled the Great Scala, the only being who sends souls to Heaven or Hell. These days, the ghouls are gone and I’m the Great Scala. It’s as awesome as it sounds.

Then the Grim Reaper shows up and says, hold my scythe…

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Reaper Games (Angelbound Origins #11)

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It’s a Death Match Against Grim and Regina Reaper! Don’t miss this a race against time, ghouls, and wedding bells in this action-packed adventure!

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Angelbound Lincoln Series

Stories told from the perspective of Myla’s guy

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Duty Bound (Angelbound Lincoln Book 1)

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The first book from Prince Lincoln’s perspective. Enjoy the story of Lincoln before he meets Myla!

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Lincoln (Angelbound Lincoln Book 2)

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The second book in the Angelbound Lincoln series tells the story of Angelbound from Lincoln’s point of view!

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Trickster (Angelbound Lincoln Book 3)

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An uber-evil wizard called the Contagion steals the life force of innocent children. While everyone else runs away, Myla and Lincoln chase the Contagion into another world called the Primeval. Unfortunately, the couple’s only guide to the strange realm is Peli, a trickster monkey who may be in the Contagion’s service. And that isn’t the only possible treachery that Myla and Lincoln face, either. Powerful forces could be deceiving our favorite couple about the very nature of who they are and what they want.

Talk about tricksy.

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Baculum (Angelbound Lincoln Book 4)

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Myla’s now pregnant—Lincoln couldn’t be happier. Trouble is, a new and unimaginable demon horde is placing the prince’s new family at risk.

Not acceptable.

Sometimes, a warrior just needs to ignite his baculum sword and kick a ton of evil ass.

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Angelfire (Angelbound Lincoln Book 5)

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Someone is making life hell for our favorite royal couple, Lincoln and Myla. Natural disasters have the after-realms falling apart. Humans are going to war left and right. And the hottest couple ever can’t find two minutes alone. Sheesh.

The problem? Lincoln’s evil brother.

Yes, you read that right. Brother.

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Offspring Series

The next generation takes on Heaven, Hell and everything in between…

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Maxon (Angelbound Offspring 1)

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Prince Maxon may be twenty-two years old now, but he’s still haunted by his boyhood abduction and torture in Hell. To deal with his past, Maxon limits his present-day activities to killing demons and seducing women. No long-term relationships. No combat too dangerous. No problem, right?

Wrong. Maxon’s about to find out the true meaning of love and sacrifice, thanks to a lovely warrior named Lianna.

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Portia (Angelbound Offspring 2)

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Princess Portia is a quiet bookworm. Emperor Tempest rules the Furor dragons as the greater demon of Lust and Wrath. What happens when the two finally meet face to face? Portia decides to break out of her library-shaped shell. Life turns everything but quiet.

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Zinnia (Angelbound Offspring 3)

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My handlers lied to me. I’m not the last of my kind. Memories reappear. I had parents once. Portia and Tempest. I even had a name. Zinnia. Perhaps I have a reason to live as well. I step past the dancing humans to confront the players.

I will find out the full truth, no matter what.

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Rhodes (Angelbound Offspring 4)

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As dragon shifters, Rhodes and Zinnia should never have fallen in love. Why? Zin’s a princess while Rhodes is only the hired help. If the pair remain in the dragon realm, then age-old prejudices might tear them apart.

But returning to Earth isn’t any better. In the human world, Rhodes and Zin are a musical sensation … and fame’s an even bigger relationship killer. Not to mention the fact that their old nemesis, Killian, keeps hatching evil plots against them. Bottom line? Rhodes has huge decisions to make, both for himself and Zin.

Sadly, it isn’t clear what path—if any—will end with Rhodes and his love having a future together.

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Kaps (Angelbound Offspring #5)

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Meet Princess Kaps: renegade, dragon shifter, and general pain in her royal parent’s backsides. Although Kaps pretends to love rock and roll, she’s actually obsessed with fighting the Audax, a group of shape-shifting vampire Nazis. And to slay herself some vampires, Kaps collects magical dragon relics. Mayhem ensues.


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Mack (Angelbound Offspring #6)

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Dragons. Vampires. And the hidden city of El Dorado.

Threats abound and secrets are revealed in this exciting conclusion to the story of Kaps and Mack!

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Huntress (Angelbound Offspring #7)

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Princess. Warrior. Dragon shifter. HUNTRESS.

When it comes to protecting her family, eighteen-year-old Princess Huntress is known for kicking ass, taking names and then kicking a little more ass, just to be sure. Huntress is the last of her kind—a glass dragon shifter—and no matter what the threat, she always tracks it down alone.

But when a new danger threatens the royals, everything changes…

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Gage (Angelbound Offspring #8)

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The epic conclusion to the story of Gage and Huntress is a family affair!

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Angelbound Xavier Series

A new series from the perspective of Xavier!

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Archenemy (Angelbound Xavier Trilogy #1)

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As an archangel, Xavier’s life should involve hanging out on a cloud while playing the lute and singing Kumbaya.

Not exactly….

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Angelbound Tales

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Angelbound Tales Volume One

Love Myla Lewis? Don’t miss Angelbound Tales Volume One, a collection of five bonus stories from Myla’s world!

Now Live on Audible

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Meet the author: Christina Bauer

Christina Bauer thinks that fantasy books are like bacon: they just make life better. All of which is why she writes romance novels that feature demons, witches, dragons, and other random stuff that she brainstorms while riding the Boston T. Christina lives in Newton, MA along with her husband, son, and semi-insane golden retriever, Ruby. Get a FREE copy of Christina's novella, BEVERLY HILLS VAMPIRE, when you sign up for her personal newsletter: ***Not available in stores***

Christina Bauer