Pixieland Dairies

The story of sassy pixie Calla and her ongoing battle against tight-assed elves everywhere.

  1. Pixieland Diaries
  2. Calla
  3. Dare
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Pixieland Diaries

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If you don’t like pixies, don’t read this diary.

If you don’t like loud-mouthed pixies who are really cool but sometimes get told they’re immature (for no reason), then definitely stop reading.

Oh, and if you’re His Awfulness The Elf Prince ‘Dare’ Darius, then you can kiss my butt. My hatred for you burns with the fire of a thousand suns. Thanks for getting me kicked out of Pixieland and exiled to attend some rando human high school on Earth. You’re the worst, even if you have a cute smile. And nice eyes. Your hair looks okay sometimes, too. But you’re still a creep and I loathe you.

And to everyone else: if you’ve read this far, then you better finish my entire diary.

My story is supernatural, wacked-out, and overall awesome.

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Big news in Pixieland! The Blue Fairy is sending our fave pixie, Calla, and her crush, Dare, on a mini-quest. Unfortunately it’s an adventure that requires a lot of togetherness. We’re talking tons of touching, people.

Blue believes that since Calla and Dare are just friends, this situation shouldn’t be awkward.

It’s totally awkward.

***A 45,000+ word diary written by Calla***

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The tables get turned! Now, Dare’s the one pursuing Calla. But is it too late for them to find their happily ever after?

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If you don’t like pixies, then don’t read this diary.

And if you don’t like feisty pixies who become queen while cherishing their so-called attitude problems? Definitely turn away right now.

I’m a pixie who rules as Queen of the Summer Fae and yet, I’m also the proud owner of a very cheeky personality. What can I say? It works for me. Or it does until an evil sorcerer plans to destroy all of Faerie. The Usurper.

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Meet the author: Christina Bauer

Christina Bauer thinks that fantasy books are like bacon: they just make life better. All of which is why she writes romance novels that feature demons, witches, dragons, and other random stuff that she brainstorms while riding the Boston T. Christina lives in Newton, MA along with her husband, son, and semi-insane golden retriever, Ruby. Get a FREE copy of Christina's novella, BEVERLY HILLS VAMPIRE, when you sign up for her personal newsletter: https://tinyurl.com/bauersbooks ***Not available in stores***

Christina Bauer