“I love the dragon emperor Tempest! He was just the most awesome male, so hot and sexy. Please, please, please read PORTIA, you will THANK me later!” – The Angel’s Pearl
“I have absolutely LOVED Portia. Bauer created such a neat mythology with this series!” – Not So Public Library
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Princess Portia is one of the Marked: someday she’ll transform into a dreaded Void demon. To fight this horrible fate, Portia’s spent her life in libraries, learning magic that might break the dark demonic spell. But when the Void threaten to destroy all of the after-realms—and the handsome dragon Emperor Tempest offers his help—then Portia realizes that she may actually be marked for far more than a demon.
Fate is calling the bookworm princess onto the battlefield, and it’s a fight against both demonic enemies and her own heart’s desires.
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