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POSTED ON June 16, 2016 BY Christina Bauer IN Beholder, Christina
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Sign up for the CONCEALED cover reveal! Are you a blogger, reviewer, or just someone who loves books and has a social media account? Go
I just came back from my first Romantic Times conference and had a blast! You have no idea how rare that is for me. Normally,
Don’t miss the CURSED blog tour! The awesome folks below are featuring sample chapters, hot reviews, and sweet giveaways. Check them out! March 28: Long and
My new book, Cursed, is live as of today! To celebrate, I’m sharing six of the tunes I listened to while I was writing the book.
To celebrate the launch of CURSED, here are some sample chapters… I hope you enjoy them! CB Chapter One My black cat, Lucy,
Here are some of my favorite quotes from my upcoming book, Cursed (aka Book 1 in the Beholder Series.) I put them in cute little graphics, too,
A Businesswoman’s Haiku By Christina Bauer Chest suddenly hurts Something fell into my bra I hate this earring
A sample of my upcoming book, CURSED, is now live on iBooks! The download includes the first two chapters as well as an exclusive extra on how