Christina Bauer, Author at MHB - Page 59 of 64

New Series Cover Reveal…Sign Ups Now Live!
POSTED ON August 5, 2015 BY Christina Bauer IN Christina
I have a new series launching in March and the cover reveal’s coming up! :::bounces in chair::: Got a social media site? Click here to sign up and

Calling all bloggers: Join the PORTIA Book Release Tour!
POSTED ON August 1, 2015 BY Christina Bauer IN Angelbound, Christina
Great news! I’m doing my very first blog tour and it’s for PORTIA! I’ve never done these before, but I guess if you sign up,

Book Review: STEALING MERCURY by Charlee Allden
POSTED ON July 28, 2015 BY Christina Bauer IN Christina

Book Review: DARK HORSE by Michelle Diener
POSTED ON July 22, 2015 BY Christina Bauer IN Christina

Why Shakespeare’s My Bitch
POSTED ON May 20, 2015 BY Christina Bauer IN Christina
I love writing that plays with language, and in this respect, Shakespeare is my personal bitch. Sonnet 116—made popular in the movie adaptation of Jane

Angelbound #4, MAXON, is now released!
POSTED ON May 12, 2015 BY Christina Bauer IN Angelbound, Christina
MAXON is now a live book, and there’s even a press release to prove it. Yay! # # # PRESS RELEASE Ink Monster LLC Announces New

Going to Book Expo America? I’ll be there, too!
POSTED ON May 1, 2015 BY Christina Bauer IN Christina
Here’s our cool corporate press release with all the details! Woo hoo! # # # Ink Monster Co-CEO to Speak at Book Expo America 2015