Christina Bauer, Author at MHB - Page 63 of 64
Reader Spotlight: Bridge D’Urso
POSTED ON November 3, 2013 BY Christina Bauer IN Angelbound, Christina
Book Review: Faeriewalker Series
POSTED ON October 30, 2013 BY Christina Bauer IN Christina
Book Review: Paranormalcy Series
POSTED ON October 25, 2013 BY Christina Bauer IN Christina
Book Review: A Temptation of Angels
POSTED ON October 17, 2013 BY Christina Bauer IN Christina
Book Review: Enchanted (The Woodcutter Sisters)
POSTED ON October 10, 2013 BY Christina Bauer IN Christina
4 Reasons Why Star Wars Is THE Ultimate Female Myth
POSTED ON October 8, 2013 BY Christina Bauer IN Christina
You read that right. Star Wars. Chicks. Myth. Yeah. George Lucas has gotten lots of air play for consulting myth expert and general smarty-pants Joseph