The final book in the Angelbound Offspring series is almost here! GAGE releases on June 16th and the cover goes live on March 2nd. Some of the best bloggers and social media mavens will be sharing the new cover. Check them out below!
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Tome Tender http://tometender.blogspot.com
Triquetra Reviews www.triquetrareviews.blogspot.com
Westveil Publishing https://www.westveilpublishing.com

About GAGE (Angelbound Offspring Book 8)
BUY NOW: Amazon / Apple Books / GooglePlay / Kobo / Nook /
“An action-packed series full of adventures, romance and fun! If you want a fantasy world with sexy times, this series is for you.” -Rosee Reads
Gage runs the L’Griffe, AKA the dragon shifter mafia on Earth. Since the human realm has no supernatural police, the L’Griffe do more than loan money or sell contraband. When it comes to dragon shifters, the L’Griffe are the law. And Gage isn’t the only sheriff in town, either. Other secret groups have their own gangs, including ghouls, demons, and everything in between. It’s an awkward balance, but it works.
Until the demons consolidate into the Horde. This alliance plans to take over Earth, and that’s just for starters.
Now Gage must build his own connections to fight this new threat. Fortunately, Gage’s true love, Huntress, comes from a family of superhuman warriors. All of them agree to team up and put down the Horde. Success seems just around the corner.
Then the truth becomes clear.
Thanks to magical cloning, the Horde is led by an old enemy of Huntress’ family—one that everyone thought had been destroyed forever. Now their archnemesis is back and more powerful than anyone could have imagined.
Looks like defeating these demons may also destroy Gage, Huntress, and everyone they love.
Don’t miss the exciting conclusion to the Angelbound Offspring Series!
1. Maxon
2. Portia
3. Zinnia
4. Rhodes
5. Kaps
6. Mack
7. Huntress
8. Gage
* This is a completed series.
Perfect for teen and young adult readers who want their book series to deliver: badass world building, angels, demons, paranormal romance, fresh themes from contemporary fiction, LOL romantic comedy, gods and goddesses, dark fantasy, strong girls and women as heroines, themes about loners and outcasts, the best laughs in humorous literature, general coming of age whackery, and (most importantly) truly unusual epic fantasy.