Dear Readers,
I recently received a new question through Goodreads and thought I’d share it here as well in case others are wondering the same thing.
Here goes!
The Reader Question…
Dear Christina, I just started reading the Dimension Drift Series and I absolutely love it. With that said, can you tell me how many books are going to be in this series please, or is Echo Academy the last book? I look forward to hearing from you. God richly bless you.
The Short Answer…
At this time, I don’t plan any additional books in the Dimension Drift series. ECHO Academy is the last.
The Long Answer…
Every time I begin a writing session, I whisper the following words: open a doc and open a vein. This reminds me to leave a real part of yourself on the page. It isn’t always easy, but it’s the job. Along this line, some novels simply require more life’s blood than others. Writing in the voice of Myla from Angelbound is less mental wear and tear than Elea from the Beholder Series. Not sure why, but there you have it.
Dimension Drift is a tough series to write.
By now, you might see where I’m going with this. Normally, I have the next book in a series ready for preorder before I launch the current novel. For Dimension Drift, the next book after ECHO Academy was supposed to be called Drift Warrior. I’ve got a title and honestly? Nothing else. So that’s what I call red flag situation right here. Methinks I’m a little burned out on this series.
I hope to have two more books in the Dimension Drift series, namely one for Justice-Zoe and another for Slate-Chloe. But Business-Me told Writer-Me that it’s okay to wait until I’m mentally ready to write them.
And yes, I do have internal conversations like that, even when I’m not locked in a house for days on end as part of a global pandemic.
Long story short, I hope you agree with Business-Me on this one. Writer-Me will revisit the adventures of Thorne, Meimi and their buddies as soon as possible! When that happens, I’ll be honored for you to join the journey. In the meantime, thanks for your question and interest in my work. Please know that although Dimension Drift is on hold, I am continuing the Angelbound, Pixieland and Magicorum series.
That said, I’m always open to reader ideas and suggestions… feel free to post here or email me at [email protected]!